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Harrison Logistics Network

The Power of Community

Who We Are

The Harrison Logistics Network (HLN), established in 2023 and headquartered in Houston, TX, is a global logistics network comprised of hand-selected freight forwarders working to offer supply chain and end-to-end logistics solutions globally while solving challenges and improving operations.

Found in major gateways and logistics hubs around the world, HLN members maintain high standards of quality, conduct, and business practices enabling the network to compete with multinational logistics companies on a global scale.

We are dedicated to providing a space for world leaders in freight and logistics to work together to develop and deliver world-class solutions. HLN service offerings include: air freight, ocean freight, rail and road, freight forwarding, turn-key project solutions, logistics planning, express deliveries, and warehousing & distribution.

Business Meeting

Member Services
& Benefits

Online Members






Member Resources

Partners & Programs

HLN is working to establish beneficial partnerships with service providers, insurance brokers, and preferred carriers in an effort to bring value to our members. Some of our partners include:


Networking Event

Annual Membership Conference

HLN Members can look forward to future Annual Membership Conferences where they can meet their fellow members, develop contacts, discuss current and future business, and more!

We anticipate hosting the FIRST in-person membership conference in 2025, but we are currently exploring other avenues to bring the members together. Please stay tuned for more details.

Reading the HLN News

HLN News

Important HLN News announcements will be updated here as they're announced. Check back for the latest in member announcements, partnership updates, etc. to stay up-to-date!

What's happening at HLN:

Truck Driving by Lake

This Day in History

1884: Harry S. Truman, the 33rd President of the United States, was born on May 8, 1884, in Lamar, Missouri. Rising from a modest upbringing to the highest office in the land, Truman's presidency is noted for its critical decisions during tumultuous times, including the ending of World War II and the beginning of the Cold War. His leadership during these defining moments, including his controversial decision to use atomic weapons, has left a complex legacy that continues to provoke debate and discussion.

1945: Victory in Europe (V-E) Day was celebrated on May 8, 1945, marking the formal acceptance by the Allies of World War II of Nazi Germany's unconditional surrender of its armed forces. This day signaled the end of World War II in Europe, bringing jubilation to America and Britain, with massive crowds gathering to celebrate peace and the end of a long, devastating conflict. V-E Day remains a powerful symbol of victory and relief from oppression, commemorated annually as a reminder of the cost of freedom.

2010: On May 8, 2010, Betty White hosted "Saturday Night Live" at the age of 88, becoming the oldest person to host the show. Her appearance, prompted by a fan-driven Facebook campaign, was met with critical acclaim and showcased her timeless comedic talent and widespread appeal. White's hosting gig not only set a record but also highlighted her enduring influence in entertainment, proving that age is but a number when it comes to lasting star power and relevance in popular culture.

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